Catalogue Auction information

Bourne Collective Sale (#20322BN) 02/03/2022 9:00 AM Closed

Starts Ending 02/03/2022 9:00 AM GMT

Auction Information

Lot 99AThe following twenty lots are personal photographs and ephemera from the extraordinary life of Tom Edwards. Tom, was originally from Norfolk and made his break in broadcasting back in the 1960s in the pirate radio stations of Radio City and Radio Caroline, before moving to safer on shore announcing and presenting at BBC Radio 1 & 2. From radio he progressed seamlessly into television and, with his distinctive voice and good looks, became a regional anchor for BBC East and Thames Television. His

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Lot closed

Bourne Collective Sale (#20322BN) 02/03/2022 9:00 AM Closed

Starts Ending 02/03/2022 9:00 AM GMT

Auction Information

  • The following twenty lots are personal photographs and ephemera from the extraordinary life of Tom Edwards. Tom, was originally from Norfolk and made his break in broadcasting back in the 1960s in the pirate radio stations of Radio City and Radio Caroline
  • The following twenty lots are personal photographs and ephemera from the extraordinary life of Tom Edwards. Tom, was originally from Norfolk and made his break in broadcasting back in the 1960s in the pirate radio stations of Radio City and Radio Caroline - 2