Catalogue Auction information

Garage Retirement Sale (#2808244MS) 29/08/2024 8:00 AM Closed

Starts Ending 29/08/2024 8:00 AM BST

Auction Information

Lot 902An SA Supalift 5000kg four post vehicle lift, with two axle lifts and two turntables. NB. This lift is fitted with moveable plates front and rear to allow four wheel alignment to be carried out. Installed in 2020. 

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Lot closed

Garage Retirement Sale (#2808244MS) 29/08/2024 8:00 AM Closed

Starts Ending 29/08/2024 8:00 AM BST

Auction Information

  • An SA Supalift 5000kg four post vehicle lift, with two axle lifts and two turntables. NB. This lift is fitted with moveable plates front and rear to allow four wheel alignment to be carried out. Installed in 2020. 
  • An SA Supalift 5000kg four post vehicle lift, with two axle lifts and two turntables. NB. This lift is fitted with moveable plates front and rear to allow four wheel alignment to be carried out. Installed in 2020.  - 2