Catalogue Auction information

Grantham Collective Sale (#170124GR) 17/01/2024 9:00 AM Closed

Starts Ending 17/01/2024 9:00 AM GMT

Auction Information

Lot 29A pair of Hornby 0 gauge right and left handed points, PR2 and PL2, boxed, a double arm signal, on a circular base, and assorted track curves, in a box for the Dale St. Warehouses, JD Williams and Company Ltd. (quantity)

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Lot closed - Sold For:£5

Grantham Collective Sale (#170124GR) 17/01/2024 9:00 AM Closed

Starts Ending 17/01/2024 9:00 AM GMT

Auction Information

  • A pair of Hornby 0 gauge right and left handed points, PR2 and PL2, boxed, a double arm signal, on a circular base, and assorted track curves, in a box for the Dale St. Warehouses, JD Williams and Company Ltd. (quantity)