Bourne Collective Sale (#140623BC) 14/06/2023 9:00 AM Closed Starts Ending 14/06/2023 9:00 AM BST Auction Information PDF Catalogue View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 101-200 of 794. Previous|12345678|Next Lot 121 A pair of Edwardian silver flower vases, of slender tapered form with flared castellated bulbous necks and repousse decoration of flower heads and foliage, raised on stepped circular feet, makers Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1905, 25cm high, filled bases. View details Sold For£100StatusSold Lot 122 A silver plated cocktail shaker, of tapered cylindrical form, with an engraved and S and thistle, by The Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Company, 21cm high. View details Sold For£22StatusSold Lot 123 A costume jewellery golf bag brooch, with safety chain. View details Sold For£25StatusSold Lot 124 A composite pair of Georgian silver berry spoons, with swan crests and with later decoration of flower heads and foliage, with repousse bowls, London 1808 and 1815, one spoon by William Eley, 4oz. View details Sold For£55StatusSold Lot 125 Four Victorian and later silver folding fruit knives, comprising two Victorian knives with mother of pearl handles, and another with inlaid simulated tortoiseshell and an Edwardian folding fruit knife, with mother of pearl handle. (4) View details Sold For£50StatusSold Lot 126 A George V silver letter opener, with fox mask head, Chester 1926, retailed by Asprey of London. View details Sold For£90StatusSold Lot 127 Seven silver rimmed and glass ware items, comprising an imitation tortoiseshell topped jar, four glass and ribbed match strikes, a ceramic and silver rimmed jar, and a glass bud vase. (7) View details Sold For£340StatusSold Lot 128A A Christofle silver plated beaker, inscribed 100 and stamped to underside, 7cm high. View details Sold For£12StatusSold Lot 129 Four horn and silver rimmed beakers, two bearing crest for H J and G & H S, the largest 10cm high, the smallest 4cm high. (4) View details Sold For£65StatusSold Lot 129A A white metal framed strut clock, of square form with waved sun design and brass central eight day clock, unmarked, 6.5cm x 6.5cm. View details Sold For£22StatusSold Lot 130 A Victorian silver and moulded glass hip flask, London 1888, 12cm high. View details Sold For£100StatusSold Lot 130A A silver and tortoiseshell topped wishbone trinket box, hall marks rubbed, 4cm wide, a silver and mother of pearl handled penknife, and a silver plated penknife. (3) View details Sold For£22StatusSold Lot 131 A Royal Worcester porcelain jug, c1890, of lobed and moulded form, with a gilt elephant's head and tusk handle, shape no 419, painted with meadow flowers, printed and painted marks, 15cm high, together with a blush porcelain trumpet shaped bud vase, c1900, shape no 1790, painted with grasses, printed and painted marks, 14.5cm high, (AF). (2) View details Sold For£30StatusSold Lot 132 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain biscuit barrel, c1900, with a plated lid, mount and swing handle, of lobed form, shape no 1466, painted with autumn fruits and spiders, printed marks, 13cm wide. View details Sold For£55StatusSold Lot 133 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain ewer, c1911, of lobed baluster form, shaped no indistinct, painted with roses and other flowers, printed and painted marks, 26cm high. View details Sold For£110StatusSold Lot 134 An early 20thC Amphora Art Nouveau pottery vase, of quadrupled handled trumpet shaped form, moulded with leaves and encrusted with purple flowers, raised on a circular foliate base, No 3956, impressed marks, 23cm high. (AF) View details Sold For£60StatusSold Lot 135 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain vase, c1892, of twin mask head handled baluster form, shaped no 1152, painted with Convolvulus and other flowers, printed and painted marks, 22cm high. (AF) View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 136 A pair of Royal Worcester blush porcelain vases, c1901, of crenellated compressed form, shape 991, painted with sprays of flowers, printed and painted marks, 8cm high. View details Sold For£45StatusSold Lot 137 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain vase, dated mark unclear, of twin mask head handled baluster form, shaped no 1552, painted with sprays of flowers, printed and impressed marks, 16cm high, and a further blush porcelain vase, c1898, of twin handled pear shaped form, shape no 982, painted with sprays of meadow flowers, printed and painted marks, 17cm high. (2) View details Sold For£130StatusSold Lot 138 A pair of Carlton ware bird lustre vases, of baluster form, decorated with yellow and gilt reserves enclosing birds, against a rouge royale ground, printed and painted marks, 22cm high. View details Sold For£65StatusSold Lot 139 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain posy vase, c1923, of trumpet form, shape no G923, painted with a country cottage and garden, signed Rushton, printed marks, 12cm high. View details Sold For£38StatusSold Lot 140 A group of Royal Worcester blush porcelain, comprising a basket shaped vase, c1934, with lions head terminals, shape 6/50, painted with flowers, printed marks, 13cm high, a twin handled vase, c1935, of pear shaped baluster form, shape no 982, painted with sprays of flowers, printed marks, 12cm high, and a further vase, c1934, of partially spiral fluted form, shape no 958, painted with floral sprays, printed marks, 8cm wide. (3) View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 141 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain vase, c1903, of pierced and out swept leaf moulded form, shape G1061, painted with meadow flowers, printed marks, 14cm high. View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 142 A late 19thC Coalport porcelain jug, of baluster form, with a foliate scroll handle, decorated with a central reserve painted with a lakeland landscape, against a cobalt blue ground, gilt heightened, printed and painted marks, 26cm high. View details Sold For£75StatusSold Lot 143 A Royal Worcester porcelain vase, c1893, of twin handled baluster form, shape no 1553, painted with sprays of flowers against a pink ground, printed and painted marks, 15cm high and another on blue and white ground decorated with poppies. (2) View details Sold For£55StatusSold Lot 144 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain pot pourri vase and cover, c1907, of lobed form, shaped no 175, painted with floral sprays, printed and painted marks, 12cm high. View details Sold For£45StatusSold Lot 145 Two Royal Worcester blush porcelain miniature mugs, c1900 and 1902, painted with floral sprays, printed marks, together with a Grainger & Company Worcester blush porcelain tyg, painted with floral sprays, printed and painted marks. (3) View details Sold For£22StatusSold Lot 146 A late 19thC Royal Crown Derby porcelain vase, with reticulated handles, of baluster form, decorated all over with a sheet pattern of flowers and gilt leaves, printed mark, 28cm high. View details Sold For£50StatusSold Lot 147 Five early 20thC blush porcelain tea plates, various dates, painted with sprays of flowers, printed and painted marks, 17.5cm wide. (5) View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 148 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain pot pourri vase inner lid and cover, c1902, of compressed lobed form, shape no 1326, painted with sprays of flowers, printed marks, 13cm wide. View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 149 Two Royal Worcester blush porcelain jugs, c1900 and 1903, of tusk form with an antler handle, shape no 1115, each painted with sprays of flowers, printed and painted marks, each 15cm high. (2) View details Sold For£25StatusSold Lot 150 An early 20thC Art Nouveau Bernard Bloch pottery figure, of a standing lady atop a scallop shell, designed by R Dubitzky, model number 6246, impressed marks, 30cm high. View details Sold For£80StatusSold Lot 151 A pair of Royal Worcester blush porcelain jugs, c1903, of tapering form, shape no 1047, painted with sprays of flowers, printed marks, 21cm high. View details Sold For£90StatusSold Lot 152 A group of Royal Worcester blush porcelain, comprising two miniature coffee cups and saucers, and three dressing table circular boxes and covers, all painted with floral sprays. (5) View details Sold For£32StatusSold Lot 153 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain vase, c1900, of elongated baluster form, shaped no 1748, painted with sprays of flowers, printed and painted marks, 18cm high, a vase, c1921, of twin handled baluster form, painted with sprays of flowers, printed and painted marks, 18cm high, and a further vase, c1914, of twin handled baluster form, shape no 850, painted with sprays of flowers, printed marks, 16cm high. (3) View details Sold For£130StatusSold Lot 154 A set of Aynsley demitasse porcelain coffee cans and saucers, with gilt foliate decoration against a cobalt blue ground, the cups with silver pierced foliate cup holders, Birmingham 1925. View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 155 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain vase, c1913, of twin handled lobed baluster form, shape no 263, painted with flowers, printed and painted marks, 19cm high, and a further vase, c1911, of baluster form, shape no F110, painted with sprays of flowers, printed and painted marks, 10cm high. (2) View details Sold For£75StatusSold Lot 156 A Royal Worcester porcelain coffee cup and saucer, circa 1934, of fluted and leaf moulded form, shape number 3061, printed Register Applied For, printed marks. View details Sold For£100StatusSold Lot 157 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain jug, circa 1902, shape number 1047, painted with a butterfly and meadow flowers, printed marks, 21cm high, a jug circa 1911, of compressed form with a gilt handle, shape number 109, painted with sprays of flowers, printed marks, 11cm high, and a porcelain cream jug, circa 1895, of barrel form, painted with flowers, printed and painted marks, 7cm high. (3) View details Sold For£75StatusSold Lot 158 An early 20thC Shelley porcelain coffee cup and saucer, Queen Anne shape, decorated in the Sun and Tall Trees pattern, together with octagonal sugar bowl. (3) View details Sold For£40StatusSold Lot 159 A Royal Worcester Hadley's porcelain vase, circa 1907, of lobed form, painted with roses, printed and painted marks, 10cm high, and a further Hadley's Worcester porcelain vase, circa 1908, of lobed form, painted with autumn fruits and leaves, printed and painted marks, 8cm high. (2) View details Sold For£75StatusSold Lot 160 A Royal Worcester Hadley's porcelain vase, circa 1907, of twin handled lobed form, painted with roses and other flowers, printed and painted marks, 9.5cm high, together with a Royal Worcester Hadley's porcelain teacup and saucer, painted with roses, printed and painted marks. (3) View details Sold For£55StatusSold Lot 161 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain potpourri bowl, with pierced integral cover, circa 1907, shape number 302, printed marks, 10.5cm wide, and a Royal Worcester porcelain vase, circa 1910, of twin handled slender necked baluster form, shape number 784, painted with flowers, printed and painted marks, 18cm high. (2) View details Sold For£60StatusSold Lot 163 A Royal Worcester blush porcelain vase, circa 1902, shape number 991, painted with flowers, printed and painted marks, 8cm high, further vase, circa 1909, of baluster form, shape number 285, painted with flowers, printed and painted marks, 7cm high, and a porcelain dressing table box and cover, circa 1909, painted with flowers, printed marks. (3) View details Sold For£40StatusSold Lot 164 An early 20thC Maling pottery fruit bowl, decorated in gilt and green, with a butterfly, and stylized flowers, against a purple scale ground, printed and painted marks, 21cm wide. View details Sold For£28StatusSold Lot 165 A Royal Worcester porcelain coffee saucer, circa 1927, painted by H Stinton, with Highland cattle, porcelain vase of twin handled form, circa 1908, shape number 176, painted by Cole, with dog roses and other flowers, printed marks, 6cm high, and a Royal Worcester porcelain butter tub, circa 1924, of barrel form, painted by H Powell with a bullfinch, printed and painted marks, 7.5cm wide. (3) View details Sold For£35StatusSold Lot 166 A group of four Royal Worcester blush porcelain dressing table and ointment jars and covers, painted with flowers, printed marks. View details Sold For£18StatusSold Lot 167 Four Royal Worcester blush porcelain tea plates, painted with meadow flowers, printed marks, 17cm wide. View details Sold For£20StatusSold Lot 168 A Fielding's Crown Devon Sylvan Lustrine pottery vase, decorated with butterflies and trees against a red ground, printed mark, 16cm high. View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 169 A Royal Worcester porcelain vase, circa 1911, of baluster form, painted with roses, printed marks, 10cm high, a Royal Worcester miniature mug, circa 1888, painted with a goldfish and thistles, versa a yew branch, printed mark, Grainger's Worcester miniature porcelain coffee cup, painted with a bird and flowers, and a Locke and Company Worcester porcelain vase, painted by H Wall with a peacock, 11.5cm high. (4) View details Sold For£55StatusSold Lot 170A A Crown Devon lustre Fieldings bowl, with gilt border, butterfly yellow decoration, 10cm diameter. View details Sold For£32StatusSold Lot 171 A group of Royal Worcester blush porcelain tea plates and saucers, painted with sprays of flowers, together with a coffee cup and saucer. (10) View details Sold For£22StatusSold Lot 172 An early 20thC Shelley lustre pottery bowl, of octagonal form, gilt decorated internally with fish, against a turquoise ground, printed marks, 12.5cm wide, together with a Burslem ware lustre bowl decorated with repeating fish, printed marks, 10cm wide. (2) View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 173 A Royal Worcester porcelain leaf moulded jug, circa 1895, painted in shades of green, turquoise and brown, painted marks, 10cm high, together with a Royal Worcester purple lustre loving cup, circa 1924, gilt decorated with butterflies, printed mark, 6cm high. (2) View details Sold For£40StatusSold Lot 174 A Royal Worcester porcelain candle snuffer, circa 1923, modelled as a china man, standing holding a fan, printed marks, and a Royal Worcester figure modelled by Margaret Cane as Sleepy Boy, number 2918. (2, AF) View details Sold For£18StatusSold Lot 175 An early 20thC Wedgwood Fairyland lustre bowl, designed by Daisy Maceig-Jones, decorated with woodland elves and dancing fairies, pattern number Z6968, printed and painted marks. (AF) View details Sold For£150StatusSold Lot 176 An early 20thC Wedgwood butterfly lustre bowl, of octagonal form, decorated externally with butterflies against a pale blue ground, internally in orange mottled glaze, pattern number Z4832, printed and paints marks, 8.5cm wide. View details Sold For£95StatusSold Lot 177 A Wedgwood dragon lustre bowl, of octagonal form, decorated externally with animals, against a mottled orange ground, pattern number Z4825T, printed and painted marks, 10cm wide. View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 178 An early 20thC Wedgwood lustre bowl, of octagonal form, gilt decorated with Buddhist emblems against a mottled orange ground, pattern number Z4825, printed and painted marks, 8.5cm wide. View details Sold For£45StatusSold Lot 179 An early 20thC Wedgwood bird lustre bowl, decorated internally with a bird against a mottled orange ground, externally with birds against a powder blue ground, pattern number Z5294, printed and painted marks, 9cm wide. View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 180 A Wedgwood early 20thC fish lustre bowl, of footed form, decorated internally with fish against a mottled orange ground, pattern number Z4826, printed and painted marks, 9.5cm wide, and a butterfly lustre dish, decorated centrally with a butterfly against a mottled orange ground, pattern number Z4832, printed and painted marks, 7.5cm wide. (2) View details Sold For£85StatusSold Lot 181 A Carltonware pottery vase, of trumpet form, painted with an exotic bird and flowers against a pale blue ground, printed marks, 151cm high, together with a twin handled dish painted with a mallard and flowers, against a black ground, 17cm wide, and a circular dish raised on tripod feet, decorated with flowers against cobalt blue ground, 11cm wide. (3) View details Sold For£50StatusSold Lot 182 Four Carltonware coffee cups and saucers, comprising a blue ground coffee cup and saucer, decorated with birds and trees, a red ground cup and saucer, similarly decorated, polka dot cup and saucer, and a further coffee cup and saucer, decorated with flowers against a blue ground. (4) View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 183 A group of Maling pottery, variously decorated with flowers against a pink or green scale ground, comprising four small dishes, and three bowls. (7) View details Sold For£35StatusSold Lot 184 A Maling pottery bowl, decorated in the Honeycomb and Daisy pattern, number 6431, printed marks, 21.5cm wide, and a further Maling bowl, decorated in the Michaelmas Daisy pattern, number 6441, printed mark, 21cm wide. (2) View details Sold For£25StatusSold Lot 185 A Royal Crown Derby porcelain vase and cover, circa 1903, of twin handled baluster form, decorated with flowers, gilt heightened, against a cream ground, within cobalt blue and gilt borders, printed marks, 28cm high. View details Sold For£55StatusSold Lot 186 A pair of late 19thC blue glaze pottery vases, of baluster form, with classical brass mounts, 19.5cm high. View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 188 A Royal Doulton porcelain vase, of twin scrolling handled ovoid form, painted with dahlias against a red ground, RA2286, printed and painted marks, 14.5cm high. View details Sold For£45StatusSold Lot 189 A Royal Doulton porcelain vase, of ovoid form, painted with roses and gilt leaves against a cobalt blue ground, printed and painted marks, 11.5cm high. View details Sold For£28StatusSold Lot 190 A Doulton Lambeth stoneware two tone harvest jug, sprigged with figures, huntsman and hounds, pair of pottery squat vases, printed with birds and flowers, D3550, and a posy vase and bowl, decorated with white flowers against a peach and pale blue ground, printed and painted marks. (5) View details Sold For£28StatusSold Lot 191 A Royal Doulton figure moulded as This Little Pig, HN1793, and a further figure modelled as Paisley Shawl M4. (2) View details Sold For£30StatusSold Lot 192 Four Royal Doulton porcelain vases, decorated with irises and other flowers, gilt heightened, printed marks, comprising a triple handled vase, 17cm high, pair of twin handled vases of waisted form, 11cm high, and a further double handled vase, 10cm high. (4) View details Sold For£60StatusSold Lot 193 A group of Royal Doulton porcelain, comprising a jug, painted by E Challinon with bluebells and other flowers, 13cm high, twin handled vase painted with irises and other flowers, 20cm high, further twin handled vase painted with flowers, 15cm high, and a coffee cup and saucer, of fluted form, painted with flowers. (5) View details Sold For£55StatusSold Lot 194 A Royal Worcester porcelain candle snuffer, circa 1923, modelled as a witch, printed mark. View details Sold For£30StatusSold Lot 195 A Coalport porcelain solitaire set, with brass mounts, of pink moulded tree form, printed marks, comprising teapot, cream jug, sugar bowl, cup and saucer. View details Sold For£95StatusSold Lot 196 A Moorcroft pottery vase, of squat baluster form, decorated in the Anemone pattern, bears impressed marks and paper label, 11cm wide (AF), together with a Maling pottery dish, of twin handled oval form, decorated in the Honeycomb and Daisy pattern, pattern No 6431, painted and printed marks, 36cm wide. (2) View details Sold For£22StatusSold Lot 197 A Nautilus blush porcelain figure, of a Roman water carrier, modelled standing on a naturalistic base, 21cm high, together with a Nautilus porcelain vase, of abstract form, painted with flowers, printed mark, 11cm high. (2) View details Sold For£40StatusSold Lot 198 A group of Spode and Copeland Spode pottery and porcelain, including a late 19thC fluted Imari cream jug and sugar bowl, coffee cup and saucer, Imari pattern number 1291, demitasse coffee cup and saucer, decorated with flowers against a powder blue ground, fluted cream jug printed in blue with flowers, and an early 19thC Spode miniature blue and white jug with gilt overlay, pattern 4065. View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 199 A Newport pottery Clarice Cliff Celtic Harvest pattern cake plate, with a chrome handle, Shelley drip glaze chamberstick, pair of Shelley porcelain dishes, of scallop shell form, decorated with flowers, and a demitasse coffee can, painted with holly hocks and roses over an arbour. (5) View details Sold For£20StatusSold Lot 200 A late 19thC Berlin porcelain figure, modelled as a seated girl with a basket of flowers, raised on a naturalistic base, 14cm high, Continental porcelain figure of a boy seated and warming himself by a fire, Sampson Derby porcelain figure of a lady raised on a rococo scroll base, pair of Meissen style porcelain figures of pug dogs, 6cm high, and a Ludwigsbug porcelain coffee cup, painted with birds and insects, and a Meissen porcelain cup, decorated with a reserve in Manganese, with soldiers sto View details Sold For£65StatusSold Lot 201 An early 19thC French hard paste porcelain coffee can, painted with a band of poppies, below a further gilt band of flowers and berries. Auctioneer Announce: hard paste French porcelain not Pinxton View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 202 A group of late 18th and early 19thC English porcelain, including a bow porcelain coffee cup, chinoiserie decorated with figures, Davenport teacup and saucer decorated in brown with a cottage and church ruins, Crown Derby spiral fluted porcelain coffee cup decorated with floral sprays, and a Lowestoft tea bowl. (a quantity) View details Sold For£35StatusSold Lot 203 A Royal Crown Derby porcelain vase, of tapering form, Imari decorated with flowers, 12cm high, further vase, possibly Bloor Derby decorated with an oval reserve painted with flowers, gilt heightened against a cobalt blue ground, 7.5cm high, a Stevenson and Hancock Derby porcelain demitasse coffee can and saucer, Imari decorated, and a late 19thC Coalport porcelain vase, of baluster form, reserve decorated with a landscape, signed W Waterson, gilt heightened, against a cobalt blue ground, printed View details Sold For£60StatusSold Lot 204 An early 20thC CH Brannam Barnstaple pottery astray, engraved with Embassy Court SW1, incise marks, 7.5cm wide, together with a French pottery dish, for Manfield and Sons, decorated with sinuous lady with mistletoe, printed mark, 9.5cm wide. (2) View details Sold For£65StatusSold Lot 205 An early 20thC Redon Limoges porcelain dessert service, painted with pink floral sprays, comprising a tazza, and eleven plates. View details Sold For£60StatusSold Lot 207 A Verlys of France pin dish, shaped as a flower, with beaded border and central petal, 13.5cm diameter. View details Sold For£20StatusSold Lot 208 A R Lalique glass bowl, with two tier fluted outer border bearing signature, 13cm diameter. View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 209 Three items of Victorian vaseline glass, comprising a green fluted stem vase, on a silver stepped base, 23cm high, a yellow vaseline glass stem, 10cm high and a fluted flared rim cranberry glass vase, 17cm high. (3) View details Sold For£30StatusSold Lot 210 A 1920/30s vaseline glass and silver plated centrepiece, the flared green glass top, on a shaped base depicting parrot in bird cage, on tripod ball claw base, 26cm high, 22cm wide. View details Sold For£90StatusSold Lot 211 Three items of decorative glassware, comprising a Loetz style iridescent triform glass vase, with green metallic finish, 7.5cm high, and a pair of Victorian green glass stem vases, each with hand painted design of butterflies and flowers, 15cm high. (3) View details Sold For£40StatusSold Lot 212 A Victorian miniature oil lamp, with a brass Corinthian column and stem, cranberry glass reservoir with chimney, 46cm high. View details Sold For£22StatusSold Lot 213 An early 20thC brass figure group, depicting nude female feeding warrior, on plinth with a green mottled marble base, 18cm high. (AF) View details Sold For£70StatusSold Lot 214 A mid 20thC porcelain campana vase, with a fluted and flared rim top with gilt decoration and painted floral panel, unmarked, 19cm high. View details Sold For£28StatusSold Lot 215 A 20thC Spelter figure group, of a greyhound and a page boy, on rectangular base, 18cm high, 16cm wide. (AF) View details Sold For£28StatusSold Lot 217 A 19thC blue and white Chinese coffee can, with a patched floral design border and green wood bottom, 6.5cm high. View details Sold For£28StatusSold Lot 218 A group of collectors ceramics, comprising a Beswick cabbage leaf plate, Zsolnay Pecs bowl, an NTR of France Limoges side plate, two miniature Royal Worcester character jug, a Carlton ware milk jug, a Doulton style silver rimmed vase, a Royal Doulton Dusty dog wood figure, two Victorian painted beakers and a blue and white serving tray. (a quantity) View details Sold For£30StatusSold Lot 220 A group of treen, comprising a Leamington Spa egg cup, a treen dice shaker, egg timer, Forth Bridge Switzerland money bank barrel, folding rule, egg cup, etc. (7) View details Sold For£25StatusSold Lot 221 Three 19thC and later boxes, comprising an ebony strung tea caddy with box lid on shaped foot, a tortoiseshell panelled and beech storage box, on bun feet, and a cross hatched treen storage box. (3, AF) View details Sold For£20StatusSold Lot 222 A W Ottoway & Company Ltd of Healey London three draw telescope, with shield dated 1915, with cap end, 15cm long when closed. View details Sold For£42StatusSold Lot 223 A pair of mid century salt and pepper shakers, white ceramic ground with black patterned detail, on a teak shaped base, 12cm high, 11cm wide. View details Sold For£30StatusSold Items per page 102550100 Previous|12345678|Next Previous 12345678 Next Previous 12345678 Next