Grantham Collective Sale 05 04, 2022 View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 401-500 of 585. Previous|123456|Next Image Lot Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 443 A pair of Crown Ducal Avis pattern blush pottery vases, 33cm high, and a similar Crown Decal blush pottery hors d'oeuvres dish, 31cm wide. (3) Sold For£12StatusSold View details 444 An Imperial Amphora Austrian pottery figure of a lady, in a lilac gilt highlighted gown holding two baskets, impressed marks and pattern number 4975, 25cm high. Sold For£80StatusSold View details 445 A Hammersley & Co porcelain dessert comport, decorated with fruit, within a blue gilt highlighted border, 12cm high, a Branksone China conch shell, and a German porcelain shield shaped dressing table box and cover, decorated with flowers, gilt highlights, 9cm wide. Sold For£32StatusSold View details 447 A group of Victorian copper lustre wares, to include graduated set of three jugs, the largest 13.5cm high, three miniature jugs, 6cm high, pedestal bowl, mug, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£18StatusSold View details 448 A group of Oriental wares, comprising a Noritake salad bowl (AF), 20cm diameter, three Chinese enamel boxes and covers, and an Oriental pottery jar and cover, the lid and two reserves to the body depicting figures in rural scene, 15cm high. (5) Sold For£28StatusSold View details 449 A group of Highbank porcelain animal figures, comprising bull, 8cm high, duck, 9cm high, whale, 5cm high, badger, 5cm high, sheep and two lambs, 7cm wide and 5cm wide respectively, and sheep dog, 12cm wide. Sold For£15StatusSold View details 450 A set of four Venetian glass wine glasses, each body with etched decoration of vines, on peach coloured twisted tapering stems, 20cm high, and a Venetian goblet, with lion mask and floral decoration, 17cm high. Sold For£50StatusSold View details 451 A set of nine Waterford Lismore wine glasses, 14cm high, and five Lismore sherry glasses, 11cm high, some marked Waterford. Sold For£55StatusSold View details 452 A set of eight Waterford Lismore champagne coupe glasses, 12cm high, some marked. Estimates£70 - £90Sold For£140StatusSold View details 453 A set of thirteen Waterford Lismore wine glasses, 15cm high, some marked Waterford. Sold For£130StatusSold View details 454 A group of coloured glass, to include a mottled pink cylindrical vase, 19cm high, blue Murano glass style basket, 18cm high, Caithness vase, 10cm high, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£10StatusSold View details 455 A group of coloured glass, to include a Caithness mottled pink and lilac scent bottle and stopper, 15cm high, two further scent bottles, a mottled blue and white glass vase, 19cm high, pedestal glass bowl, with acid etched decoration of a spaniel, 10cm high, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£10StatusSold View details 456 A group of glass paperweights, to include a Caithness Golden Jubilee commemorative paperweight, 7cm high, model of a snail, 9cm high, an Edinburgh crystal paperweight decorated with a thistle, 5cm high, etc. (1 tray) Sold For£20StatusSold View details 457 A group of ceramics, to include three graduated Beswick flying Partridge wall plaques, the largest 22cm high, a pair of Copeland porcelain cylindrical vases, decorated with Oriental figures against a turquoise ground, 10cm high, two Royal Crown Derby coffee cans and saucers, Bunnykins child's mug, etc. (1 tray, many pieces AF) Sold For£130StatusSold View details 458 A group of Royal Crown Derby Old Country Roses wares, to include a coffee pot, teapot, sugar bowl, wall clock, cake slice, various teacups and saucers, miniature teacup and saucer, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£95StatusSold View details 460 A Lladro porcelain figure of a seated ballerina, 14cm high. Estimates£50 - £80Sold For£50StatusSold View details 461 A Doulton Lambeth pottery vase, with blue glaze trumpet stem, the bulbous body decorated with flowers and swirls, in turquoise and white against a gilt highlighted background, 25cm high, a Victorian cranberry glass bonbon dish and cover, 14cm high, and an opaline glass sweetmeat dish, 10cm high. Sold For£30StatusSold View details 462 Two Oriental ceramic jars, comprising a ginger jar and cover with painted figures of warriors, 15cm high, and a large jar and cover with figural reserves against a cobalt blue ground, 16cm high. (2) Sold For£20StatusSold View details 463 Five Chinese blue and white ginger jars and covers, decorated with prunus blossom against a cracked ice ground, the largest 14cmn high, the smallest 8cm high. Sold For£120StatusSold View details 464 A group of Franz porcelain, comprising sugar bowl and stand, 10cm high, milk jug, 9cm high, and teacup and saucer, 7cm high overall, (the teacup AF), each piece decorated with flowers, butterflies, etc. Sold For£28StatusSold View details 465 A pair of Chinese Qianlong blue and white chestnut baskets, decorated in underglaze blue with pagodas and gilt highlights, 21.5cm wide. (AF) Estimates£100 - £150Sold For£90StatusSold View details 466 A group of pottery and porcelain, two Poole pottery dolphins, 17cm wide, a Celtic pottery vase, 17cm high, a Royal Crown Derby porcelain small jug, decorated with red flowers against a white ground with blue and gilt highlights, printed marks, 8cm high, a Wedgwood collector's plate decorated in the 'Eden' pattern, based on a design by Clarice Cliff, 20cm diameter, with certificate, various other plates and collector's plates, etc. Estimates£15 - £30Sold For£12StatusSold View details 468 A Moorcroft Macintyre and Co Florian ware bachelor's teapot and cover, of bullet shaped form, decorated with flowers against a green and peach ground, lid stapled, printed marks, 10.5cm high, and a Macintyre and Co Esso Faience bachelor's teapot and cover, decorated with scrolls and flowers in green and white against a pale green ground, printed marks, 9cm high. Estimates£30 - £50Sold For£25StatusSold View details 471 A pair of Carlton ware Moonlight Cameo lustre cabinet plates, against an orange and blue ground, printed marks, 23cm diameter. Sold For£60StatusSold View details 472 A Noritake Polonaise pattern porcelain part tea and dinner service, comprising teapot, two handled sugar bowl and cover, milk jug, eight teacups and saucers, six dinner plates, eight soup bowls, eight side plates and seven starter plates. Sold For£20StatusSold View details 473 Twelve Lilliput Lane cottages, to include Anne Hathaway's Cottage, Crucks End, Old Curiosity Shop, Cockington Forge, The Croft, Convent in The Woods, etc., some AF. (a quantity) Sold For£20StatusSold View details 474 A Royal Doulton porcelain Larchmont pattern part dinner service, comprising oval meat platter, pair of vegetable tureens and covers, sauce boat on stand, twelve dinner, ten dessert and nine side plates and eleven dessert bowls. Estimates£20 - £30Sold For£12StatusSold View details 475 A Hill Pottery Argos pattern wash jug, bowl, toothbrush holder and part soap dish, each printed in brown with birds, flowers and leaves, and a Liberty Blue pattern part dinner service. Sold For£5StatusSold View details 479 A group of ceramics, to include a Wedgwood George Town collection Springfield meat plate, 37cm wide, a Wedgwood Volendan dish, 22cm diameter, a Rosenthal bottle shaped vase, decorated with flowers against a cream raised ground, 21cm high, a German porcelain cylindrical vase, Royal Crown Derby dish, Coalport Ming Rose two handled dish, a Wedgwood Campion pattern vase, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£20StatusSold View details 480 A group of Wedgwood and Coalport porcelain Hunting Scenes pattern tea, coffee and dinner wares, to include large teacup, nine bowls, sugar bowl, milk jug, three mugs, two handled jardiniere, etc. (1 tray) Estimates£60 - £80Sold For£120StatusSold View details 481 An extensive Noritake porcelain Greenfield pattern tea, coffee and dinner service, comprising two lidded tureens, eight dinner plates, eight coffee cans and saucers, eight teacups and saucers, eight side plates, eight bowls, eight smaller bowls, eight side plates, oval dish, two graduated oval serving dishes, milk jug, lidded sugar bowl, coffee pot, teapot, and gravy boat. Estimates£60 - £80Sold For£55StatusSold View details 482 An extensive Denby Manor Green pottery tea and dinner service, to include tureens, dinner plates, teapots, two handled soup bowls, milk jugs, egg cups, etc. (a quantity) Estimates£100 - £150Sold For£170StatusSold View details 483 Six Murano glass goblets, decorated with pink and gilt highlighted flowers, 24.5cm high, and a set of ten matching flutes, 19cm high. Sold For£20StatusSold View details 484 A set of six Murano wine goblets, with gold banding and raised gold scroll decoration to the main body, 19cm high, boxed. Sold For£40StatusSold View details 485 A part suite of cut glassware, including tumblers, brandy balloons, liqueur glasses, jugs, baluster vase with floral decoration, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£25StatusSold View details 486 A pair of 19thC Real Stone China ironstone meat platters, with transfer printed and polychrome floral decoration, 52cm wide. (AF) Sold For£28StatusSold View details 487 A Royal Doulton pottery jardiniere, the body decorated with cottage scenes, 18cm high, a Royal Doulton figurine of Premiere, HN2343, a glass and brass mounted jewellery casket, 12cm wide, and a clear glass goblet with beaded Millefiori decoration to base, 12cm high. (4) Sold For£45StatusSold View details 488 Eight 20thC Chinese Imari plates, of fluted design, each 21cm diameter. Sold For£40StatusSold View details 489 A Victorian black slate and marble mantel clock, with white ceramic dial bearing Roman numerals, thirty hour movement, 23cm high. Sold For£20StatusSold View details 491 Taxidermy: figure of a fox cub, investigating a snail, mounted on a naturalistic base, 28cm high, 65cm wide overall. Estimates£50 - £70Sold For£150StatusSold View details 491A An Aldo Tura mid Century carved wooden leaf shaped fruit bowl, for Macabo, Cusano Milanino, Italy, with a branch shaped handle and foot, printed mark, 31cm wide. Sold For£30StatusSold View details 492A An Aldo Tura mid Century carved wooden thermos flask, for Macabo, Cusano Milanino, Italy, with metal mount and knopped cork stopper, printed mark, 29cm high. Sold For£35StatusSold View details 493 An Art Nouveau pewter clad frosted glass box and cover, inset with amethyst glass cabochons, unmarked, 21cm wide, and a similar tapering vase decorated with birds in flight and irises, inset to the top with red glass cabochons, 31cm high. (2). Estimates£60 - £90Sold For£50StatusSold View details 495 A scratch built model of WWI armoured cruiser, in grey, 74cm wide. Sold For£42StatusSold View details 496 A late 19thC German oak cased mantel clock, the circular blue and white enamel dial decorated with fruit and blossom, bearing Arabic numerals, similarly decorated spandrels, eight day movement by Winterhalder & Hofmeier, with coil strike, the case of rectangular form with turned finials and columns, raised on bun feet, 36cm high, with key. Estimates£60 - £80Sold For£80StatusSold View details 497 A Russian Matryoshka doll set of the Romanov Family, comprising Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei, Russian flag, Imperial crown and a miniature candle, the largest 6cm, the smallest 1.5cm high. (9) Sold For£35StatusSold View details 499 A French cast brass mantel clock, the domed top with a fleur de lis finial and applied with two dragon, with a cream enamel clock face and pendulum in rococo style, 8 day movement, the dial 7.5cm wide, 41cm high overall. Sold For£70StatusSold View details 500 An oak cased mantel clock, with Arabic numeral silvered dial, eight day movement with coil strike, the case of architectural form, with barley twist columns, 28cm high. Sold For£12StatusSold View details 501 An early 20thC dried floral arrangement, with faux fruit, contained under a glass dome, on a wooden base, the dome and base 45cm high. (AF) Sold For£30StatusSold View details 502 A late 19thC French brass cased mantel clock, the circular white enamel dial bearing Roman and Arabic numerals, eight day movement with coil strike and mercury pendulum, with key and pendulum, the case with outswept pendulum and four Corinthian fluted quarter pilasters, with bevelled glass door, side and back panels, with key, 28cm high. Sold For£85StatusSold View details 503 A teak mid 20thC wooden model of a Chinese junk, with realistic decking, partially painted blue, 77cm wide. Sold For£8StatusSold View details 505 A hard stone carving, in the form of a starfish or sea creature, 28cm wide. Sold For£20StatusSold View details 506 A group of mineral samples and fossils, to include graphite, calcite, amethyst, ammonite, two books related to minerals and rocks, and The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Minerals and Rocks and Crystals Types, Use and Meaning. Sold For£45StatusSold View details 507 A Corgi 1902 state Landau Queen's Silver Jubilee 1977 coach, boxed, a state coach silk picture, 10cm x 21cm, and Daily Mail Wednesday June 3rd 1953 Golden reprint newspaper. (3) Sold For£10StatusSold View details 509 A group of artist's materials, to include a wooden case enclosing various acrylic paints, paintbrushes, pallet knife, fine texture gel for acrylics, and a table top easel, the interior containing water mixable oil colours, paintbrushes, thinner, etc. Estimates£40 - £60Sold For£48StatusSold View details 510 A group of LP records, to include Z Top Eliminator, The Beatles Rubber Soul, With The Beatles, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Steve Miliband, Blondie Parallel Lines, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£75StatusSold View details 511 A 1933 Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire, in red cloth binding. (AF) Sold For£20StatusSold View details 512 An AA Throughway map of the Home Counties, verso a 1935 Throughway map of London, published by John Bartholomew & Son Ltd., and a Worthing Gazette Almanack for 1913. (AF) Sold For£2StatusSold View details 513 An iPad Air 32gb, model A1474. Sold For£15StatusSold View details 514 An iPad 3 32gb, model A1416. Sold For£18StatusSold View details 516 Dore (Gustav) and Gerrold (Blanchard). London; A Pilgrimage, published by Grant and Co London 1919, leather bound with gilt tooling. Sold For£120StatusSold View details 517 Blackie (W.G). The Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World, published by Blackie and Son, London 1882, cloth and leather bound with gilt tooling. Sold For£25StatusSold View details 518 Various editions of Die Neue Zeitung newspaper, from issue number 39, 13 May 1946 to issue number 42, 26th May 1947, contained in a binding. Sold For£5StatusSold View details 519 A 19thC Bible in Welsh, published by London Printing and Publishing Company Limited London, leather bound with impressed name John Gronow 1866 to cover, with metal studs (AF), a family devotional Bible in English, with notes and reflections by Revd Matthew Henry, leather bound gilt tooling, and an addition of Southey's Poetical Works, published by Longman Brown Green and Longman's London 1853. Sold For£20StatusSold View details 520 A group of brassware, to include brass jam pan, 26cm diameter, a pair of brass candlesticks, 31cm high, toasting fork, etc. Sold For£45StatusSold View details 522 A group of tribal brass bangles, of differing styles and sizes. (7) Purchased by vendors family while living in Accra, Ghana in the 1970s. Sold For£32StatusSold View details 523 A group of six plaster wall mounted busts, of classical figures, 19cm wide. Sold For£35StatusSold View details 524 A French comtoise wall clock, by Bobilier, h'ger a Castillonnes, the circular enamel dial bearing Roman numerals, eight day movement, tin cased, the gilt metal fronted case embossed with the Sun King, doves, and flowers, with pendulum, two weights and key, 48cm high x 28cm wide. Sold For£48StatusSold View details 525 A Stentor student II violin and bow, with mother of pearl inlay, in case, the body 33cm long. Sold For£28StatusSold View details 526 A group of LP records, predominantly classical, to include Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Franz Liszt, etc. Sold For£5StatusSold View details 527 A group of posters, to include The Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, both reproductions, Nus white paper campaign, Noddy, poster issued by the Ministry of Health, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£38StatusSold View details 529 A group of patchwork quilts and wall hangings, to include double quilt in shades of purple, blue and pink, 200cm x 200cm, a patchwork heron wall hanging, 56cm x 50cm, etc. Sold For£10StatusSold View details 531 A Shelley porcelain Heather pattern part tea service, comprising twelve teacups, twelve saucers, six cake plates, sugar bowl and milk jug. Sold For£70StatusSold View details 532 Two Country Artists resin donkey figures, both named Winkle, in grey and brown. Estimates£30 - £50Sold For£30StatusSold View details 533 Two Country Artists resin figures, entitled Cheeky Westie, 24cm high, and donkey named Barnacle, 15cm high. Estimates£30 - £50Sold For£30StatusSold View details 534 A Mintons porcelain Marlow pattern part coffee service, comprising coffee pot, milk jug, sugar bowl, seven coffee cans and six saucers. Sold For£7StatusSold View details 535 A Pisk vintage brown crocodile skin top handle bag, the brass coloured clasp enclosing a two sectional compartment with a separate coin purse, 27cm high including handle, and a burnt orange crocodile skin top handle bag, with a suede interior and separate coin purse, 29cm high including handle. (2) Sold For£40StatusSold View details 536 The Complete Holy Bible, volumes 1-11, in miniature form with leather bindings and gilt tooling, published by Bradbury, Agnew & Co, London, and an oak book trough, the trough 39cm wide. Sold For£48StatusSold View details 537 A Murano style green glass figure group, of mother goose and gosling, 21cm high. Sold For£10StatusSold View details 538 A Qing dynasty famille rose porcelain plate, decorated with fruit, flowers and a butterfly, 22.5cm diameter, and an early 19thC Spode pottery dish, kakiemon decorated with flowers, pattern no 2117, printed and painted marks, 21cm diameter. Sold For£30StatusSold View details 540 A group of cottage ware pottery, to include teapots, biscuit barrels, mugs, egg cups, butter dish, etc., four Millefiori paperweights, one bearing Perthshire label, the largest 8cm diameter, and a red glass apple shaped paperweight. Sold For£28StatusSold View details 542 A 19thC papier mache tray, decorated with an Oriental interior scene in gilt, 39cm wide, and after Gerse Kloss, Mirror Lake- Yosemite, etching, signed, 12cm x 15cm, (2). Sold For£10StatusSold View details 543 A World War II signal lamp, contained in a green metal case with canvas lid, the case 22cm high. Sold For£32StatusSold View details 544 A group of treen, to include a 19thC rosewood and mother of pearl inlaid workbox, 25cm wide, two mahogany single tea caddies, 12cm high, a set of postage scales, and a quantity of bone dominoes contained in a treen case, the case 25cm wide. Sold For£35StatusSold View details 545 A late 19thC French black slate mantel clock, with white enamel dial bearing Roman numerals, visible brocot escapement, eight day movement by R. Fage, with bell strike, the case of architectural form, with key, 36cm high. Sold For£42StatusSold View details 546 A Sanenwood stainless steel canteen of cutlery, each with a simulated bamboo handle, contained in an oak case. Sold For£25StatusSold View details 547 Various Players navy cut cigarette cards, many in cardboard cases, and a quantity of GB used stamps. Sold For£12StatusSold View details 548 A group of brass and copper ware, to include copper kettle, brass pan, brass candlesticks, trivet, double ink stand, cast metal Venetian gondola with figure, 22cm long, etc. Sold For£30StatusSold View details 549 A majolica jug, with applied bird and branch decoration, 22cm high, a 19thC leaf shaped plate, 24cm wide, a blue and yellow glazed jug with a shaped rim, 22cm high, and a majolica bud vase, with stamp to underside, 14cm high. (4) Sold For£20StatusSold View details 551 A Yashica TL-Elecro camera, in case, and a Praktica MTL5 camera, in case. Sold For£22StatusSold View details 552 A Victorian walnut and brass bound writing slope, the hinged lid enclosing a leather and gilt tooled inset, two ink pots and pen recess, 15cm high, 30cm wide, 22cm deep. Sold For£42StatusSold View details 553 A Royal Worcester porcelain Contessa pattern part tea and dinner service, comprising two lidded tureens, ten dinner plates, oval platter, two gravy boats and saucers, fourteen bowls, two serving plates, eight side plates, teapot, sugar bowl and cover, milk jug, four teacups, twelve saucers, and twelve bread plates. Sold For£170StatusSold View details 554 A set of vintage brass postage scales, on an oak base with various weights, the base 18cm wide. Sold For£15StatusSold View details 555 A pottery model of a cacao nut, two open recesses, probably by Humphrey Wakefield, Isles of Scilly Pottery, unmarked, 29cm wide. Sold For£5StatusSold View details 556 Four Royal Doulton porcelain figures, comprising Thinking of You HN3124, Lavender Rose HN3481, Sentiments With Love HN3393, and Holly HN3647, all boxed. Sold For£38StatusSold View details 557 Four Royal Doulton porcelain figures, comprising For You HN3754, Winters Day HN3769, Lucy HN3653, and Christmas Day 2000 HN4242, all boxed. Sold For£48StatusSold View details 558 C. Friedel Colm (20thC School). Winter river scene, oil on canvas, signed, 47cm x 57cm. Sold For£10StatusSold View details 559 C. Fremont (20thC School). Figures on horses with chickens in the foreground, oil on canvas, signed, 49cm x 40cm. Sold For£12StatusSold View details 560 An Imperial The Good Companion typewriter, cased, and another, unnamed. (2) Sold For£50StatusSold View details 562 A group of camera related equipment, to include a Canon EOS 1000F camera, a Praktica B100 camera, a Kodak Retina IA, with various lenses, to include a Praktica lens, a Sigma AF Zoom 55-200mm lens, etc. (a quantity) Sold For£60StatusSold View details Items per page 102550100 Previous|123456|Next Previous 123456 Next